Public Diplomacy &
Nation Branding:
Bibliography__Reading list.
For your own research.
Last updated: 25 November 2024
Prof. Dr. Oliver Zöllner
Stuttgart Media University, Germany
Oliver Zöllner at ResearchGate • ORCID
Course language: English
About the course:
In the context of globalisation and mediatisation, nation-states are increasingly seen as marketable, immaterial goods. This
is where nation branding sets in. Like a global corporation or a commodified product, a nation-state can be 'branded',
or so it seems.
A brand focuses on image, reputation, and certain values. A country with a bad image or reputation, or one standing for values
refuted by the majority of relevant stakeholders, or a country with no image or reputation at all, will likely be left behind
in the competition for access to monetary and intellectual resources, and may therefore lose out in the sociopolitical arena
of influence and power. It's all about 'competitive identity', a perhaps more fashionable term.
Related to nation branding, the rather old, but recently rejuvenated concept of public diplomacy is looking at forming
ties with other countries or societies by way of cultural-based public relations. This may present itself as an honest attempt
at intercultural dialogue in some cases, or as just another way of self-appraisal in order to create a better image of one's
country – or simply as propaganda, as critics say (and they're not always wrong). In other words: to what degree this
form of 'soft power' is soft at all remains to be debated.
In this course we will be looking into concepts of both public diplomacy and nation branding, and see how and where they
overlap. Related areas such as marketing, public relations and propaganda will be covered, too. Students will develop research
questions of their own and will present examples of how nation-states actively go about branding themselves, how such countries
perform public diplomacy, with what kinds of messages, what types of actions, for what target groups, and why they do this.
#public_diplomacy #nation_branding #competitive_identity #marketing #PR #reputation_management #culture #analysis
Reading list:
[green = recommended key texts]
a) Public diplomacy/Soft power
Auer, Claudia (2015): Public Diplomacy: Ein Konzeptualisierungsvorschlag. In: Fröhlich, Romy / Koch, Thomas (eds.): Politik - PR - Persuasion: Strukturen, Funktionen und Wirkungen politischer Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Wiesbaden, 143-167.
Auer, Claudia (2017): Theorie der Public Diplomacy. Sozialtheoretische Grundlegung einer Form strategischer Kommunikation. Wiesbaden.
Bjola, Corneliu / Holmes, Marcus (eds.) (2015): Digital diplomacy: Theory and practice. London, New York.
Browning, Christopher S. / Ferraz de Oliveira, Antonio (2017): Introduction: Nation branding and competitive identity in world politics. In: Geopolitics, Vol. 22, No. 3, 481-501.
Busch-Janser, Sandra / Florian, Daniel (2010): Die neuen Diplomaten? Public Diplomacy und die Rolle von Kommunikationsagenturen in der Außenpolitik. In: Jens Tenscher / Heike Viehrig (eds.): Politische Kommunikation in internationalen Beziehungen. Münster, 215-233.
Castells, Manuel (2008): The new public sphere: Global civil society, communication networks, and global governance. In: The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,
Vol. 616, No. 1, 78-93.
Chitty, Naren / Ji, Li / Rawnsley, Gary D. / Hayden, Craig (eds.) (2023): The Routledge handbook of soft power. 2nd ed. London, New York.
Cull, Nick (2009): Public diplomacy: Lessons from the past. Los Angeles. URL: uscpublicdiplomacy.org/sites/uscpublicdiplomacy.org/files/legacy/publications/perspectives/CPDPerspectivesLessons.pdf.
Cull, Nick (2017): Public diplomacy explained: What it means and why it matters. In: The Place Brand Observer. URL: placebrandobserver.com/what-is-public-diplomacy/.
Deruda, Antonio (2015): The digital diplomacy handbook: How to use social media to engage with global audiences. SelfPub.
Dunkel, Mario / Nitzsche, Sina A. (2018): Popular music and public diplomacy: An introduction. In: Dunkel, Mario / Nitzsche, Sina A. (eds.): Popular music and public diplomacy: Transnational and transdisciplinary perspectives. Bielefeld, 9-26.
Fan, Ying (2008): Soft power: Power of attraction or confusion? In: Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. 4, No. 2, 147-158.
Fisher, Ali / Bröckerhoff, Aurélie (2008): Options for influence: Global campaigns of persuasion in the new worlds of public diplomacy. London.
Fitzpatrick, Kathy / Fullerton, Jami / Kendrick, Alice (2013): Public relations and public diplomacy: Conceptual and practical connections. In: Public Relations Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, 1-21.
Fletcher, Tom (2016): Naked diplomacy: Statecraft in the digital age. New York.
Gilboa, Eytan (ed.) (2023): A research agenda for public diplomacy. Cheltenham, Northampton.
Hafez, Kai / Grüne, Anne (2021): Grundlagen der globalen Kommunikation. Medien - Systeme - Lebenswelten. München [especially chapter 3, pp. 113-152].
Hartig, Falk (2019): Public Diplomacy. Internationale PR für Staaten – eine Annäherung. Wiesbaden.
Hayden, Craig (2012): The rhetoric of soft power: Public diplomacy in global contexts. Lanham.
Hurd, Ian (2011): Law and the practice of diplomacy. In: International Journal, Summer 2011, 581-596. URL: faculty.wcas.northwestern.edu/~ihu355/Home_files/practice%20of%20diplomacy.pdf.
Ingenhoff, Diana / Buhmann, Alexander (2018): Public Diplomacy. Messung, Entstehung und Gestaltung von Landesimages. Köln.
Ingenhoff, Diana / White, Candace / Buhmann, Alexander / Kiousis, Spiro (2018): Bridging disciplinary perspectives of country image, reputation, brand, and identity. London, New York.
Jäger, Thomas (2022): Public Diplomacy. In: Borucki, Isabelle / Kleinen-von Königslöw, Katharina / Marschall, Stefan / Zerback, Thomas (eds.): Handbuch Politische Kommunikation. Wiesbaden, 329-345.
Leonard, Mark [with Catherine Stead and Conrad Smewing] (2002): Public diplomacy. London. URL: fpc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2006/09/35.pdf.
Łoś, Robert (2017): Soft power in contemporary international relations. Łódź.
Macnamara, Jim (2012): Corporate and organisational diplomacy: An alternative paradigm to PR. In: Journal of Communication Management, Vol. 16, No. 3, 312-325.
Malone, Gifford D. (1985): Managing public diplomacy. In: The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 8, no. 3, 199-213.
Manor, Ilan (2019): The digitalization of public diplomacy. Cham.
McClory, Jonathan / Brown, Katherine / Wang, Jay (2021): Socially distanced diplomacy: The future of soft power and public diplomacy in a fragile world. London. URL: static1.squarespace.com/Socially+Distanced+Diplomacy+Report_May+2021.pdf.
McPhail, Thomas L. (2014): Global communication: Theories, stakeholders, and trends. 4th ed. Chichester.
Melissen, Jan (ed.) (2005): The new public diplomacy: Soft power in international relations. Basingstoke, New York. URL: www.culturaldiplomacy.org/academy/pdf/research/books/soft_power/The_New_Public_Diplomacy.pdf.
Mihelj, Sabina (2011): Media nations: Communicating belonging and exclusion in the modern world. Basingstoke, New York.
Noya, Javier (2007): Diplomacia pública para el siglo XXI. Barcelona.
Nye, Joseph S. (2004): Soft power: The means to success in world politics. New York.
Nye, Joseph S. (2008): Public diplomacy and soft power. In: The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 616, No. 1, 94-109.
Nye, Joseph S. (2019): Soft power and public diplomacy revisited. In: The Hague Journal of Public Diplomacy, Vol. 14, No. 1/2, 7-20.
Nye, Joseph S. (2020): Do morals matter? Presidents and foreign policy from FDR to Trump. New York, Oxford.
Ohnesorge, Hendrik W. (2020): Soft power: The forces of attraction in international relations. Cham.
Pamment, James (2012): What became of the New Public Diplomacy? Recent developments in British, US and Swedish public diplomacy policy and evaluation methods. In: The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, Vol. 7, No. 3, 313-336.
Pamment, James (2013): New public diplomacy in the 21st century. London, New York.
Price, Monroe (2003): Public diplomacy and the transformation of international broadcasting. In: Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal, Vol. 21, 51-85. URL: larc.cardozo.yu.edu/faculty-articles/131.
Rawnsley, Gary D. (2016): Introduction to "International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy in the 21st Century". In: Media and Communication, Vol. 4, No. 2, 42-45.
URL: www.cogitatiopress.com/ojs/index.php/mediaandcommunication/article/view/641.
Sandre, Andreas (2015): Digital diplomacy: Conversations on innovation in foreign policy. Lanham.
Simons, Greg (2018): Media and public diplomacy. London, New Work.
Snow, Nancy (2010): Propaganda, Inc.: Selling America's culture to the world. 3rd ed. New York.
Snow, Nancy (2020): Rethinking public diplomacy in the 2020s. In: Snow, Nancy / Cull, Nicholas J. (eds.): Routledge handbook of public diplomacy. 2nd ed. New York, London, 3-12.
Snow, Nancy / Taylor, Philip M. (eds.) (2009): Routledge handbook of public diplomacy. London, New York.
Snow, Nancy / Cull, Nicholas J. (eds.) (2020): Routledge handbook of public diplomacy. 2nd ed. New York, London [info here].
Sriramesh, Krishnamurthy / Verčič, Dejan (eds.) (2020): The global public relations handbook: Theory, research, and practice. 3rd ed. New York, London.
Torres, José Filipe (2017): Digital Country Index 2017: Winners, losers and trends. In: The Place Brand Observer. URL: placebrandobserver.com/digital-country-index-2017/.
Thumann, Michael (2019): Vornehm war gestern. Die internationale Politik wird immer schneller und immer unübersichtlicher. Das Zeitalter der Postdiplomatie hat begonnen. In: Zeit Online (9 January).
URL: www.zeit.de/2019/03/social-media-internationale-politik-schnelligkeit-rahaf-mohammed-al-kunun.
Thussu, Daya Kishan (2019): International communication: Continuity and change. 3rd ed. London.
Tuch, Hans (1990): Communicating with the world: U.S. public diplomacy overseas. New York.
Waller, J. Michael (ed.) (2007): The public diplomacy reader. Washington.
Zöllner, Oliver (2024): Digital diplomacy. In: Petra Grimm / Kai Erik Trost / Oliver Zöllner (eds.): Digitale Ethik. Baden-Baden, 639-650. Access here.
b) Nation branding
Anholt, Simon (2007): Competitive identity: The new brand management for nations, cities and regions. Basingstoke, New York.
Anholt, Simon (2010): Places: Identity, images and reputation. Basingstoke, New York.
Aronczyk, Melissa (2013): Branding the nation: The global business of national identity. Oxford, New York.
Bloomfield, Steve (ed.) (2016): How to make a nation: A Monocle guide. Berlin.
Dinnie, Keith (2022): Nation branding: Concepts, issues, practice. 3rd ed. London, New York.
Dinnie, Keith / Sevin, Efe (2020): The changing nature of nation branding: Implications for public diplomacy. In: Snow, Nancy / Cull, Nicholas J. (eds.): Routledge handbook of public diplomacy. 2nd ed. New York, London, 137-144.
Ermann, Ulrich / Hermanik, Klaus-Jürgen (eds.) (2018): Branding the nation, the place, the product. London, New York.
Foroudi, Pantea / Mauri, Chiara / Dennis, Charles / Mele T C (eds.) (2020): Place branding: Connecting tourist experiences to places. London, New York.
Gienow-Hecht, Jessica (2019): Nation branding: A useful category for international history. In: Diplomacy and Statecraft, Vol. 30, no. 4, 755-779. URL: doi.org/10.1080/09592296.2019.1671000.
Govers, Robert / Go, Frank M. (2009): Place Branding: Glocal, virtual and physical identities, constructed, imagined and experienced. Basingstoke, New York.
Gudjonsson, Hlynur (2005): Nation branding. In: Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. 1, No. 2, 283-298.
Hao, Andy W. / Paul, Justin / Trott, Sangeeta / Guo, Chiquan / Wu, Heng-Hui (2019): Two decades of research on nation branding: A review and future research agenda. In: International Marketing Review, Vol. 38, No. 1, 46–69.
Harris, Britney (2013): Diplomacy 2.0: The future of social media in nation branding. In: Exchange: The Journal of Public Diplomacy, Vol. 4, No. 1, 17-31. URL: surface.syr.edu/exchange/vol4/iss1/3.
Ingenhoff, Diana / White, Candace / Buhmann, Alexander / Kiousis, Spiro (eds.) (2019): Bridging disciplinary perspectives of country image, reputation, brand, and identity. New York, London.
Kaefer, Florian (2020): Country branding: A practicioner perspective. In: Snow, Nancy / Cull, Nicholas J. (eds.): Routledge handbook of public diplomacy. 2nd ed. New York, London, 129-136.
Kaefer, Florian (2021): An insider's guide to place branding: Shaping the identity and reputation of cities, regions and countries. Cham.
Moilanen, Teemu / Rainisto, Seppo (2009): How to brand nations, cities and destinations: A planning book for place branding. Basingstoke, New York.
Olins, Wally (2002): Branding the nation - the historical context. In: Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 9, No. 4-5, 241-248.
Olins, Wally (2005): Making a national brand. In: Jan Melissen (ed.): The new public diplomacy: Soft power in international relations.
Basingstoke, New York, 169-179.
Olins, Wally / Hildreth, Jeremy (2011): Nation branding: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. In: Morgan, Nigel / Pritchard, Annette / Pride, Roger (eds.): Destination brands: Managing place reputation. 3rd ed. Oxford, 55-66.
Porter, Michael E. (1998): The competitive advantage of nations. New York.
Subramanian, Samanth (2017): How to sell a country: The booming business of nation branding. In: The Guardian Online (7 November), URL: www.theguardian.com/news/2017/nov/07/nation-branding-industry-how-to-sell-a-country.
Viktorin, Carolin / Gienow-Hecht, Jessica C. E. / Estner, Annika / Will, Marcel K. (2018): Beyond marketing and diplomacy: Exploring the historical origins of nation branding. In: Viktorin, Carolin / Gienow-Hecht, Jessica C. E. / Estner, Annika / Will, Marcel K. (eds.): Nation branding in modern history. New York, 1-26. URL: berghahnbooks.com/downloads/intros/ViktorinNation_intro.pdf.
Anholt, Simon (2006): Public diplomacy and place branding: Where's the link? In: Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. 2, No. 4, 271-275.
Anholt, Simon (2008): Place branding: Is it marketing, or isn't it? In: Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. 4, 1-6.
Anholt, Simon (2011): Beyond the nation brand: The role of image and identity in international relations. In: Journal of Public Diplomacy, Vol. 2, No. 1, 6-12.
Aronczyk, Melissa (2007): New and improved nations: Branding national identity. In: Calhoun, Craig / Sennett, Richard (eds.): Practicing culture. London, New York, 140-180.
Aronczyk, Melissa (2013): Branding the nation: The global business of national identity. Oxford, New York.
Auer, Claudia (2017): Theorie der Public Diplomacy. Sozialtheoretische Grundlegung einer Form strategischer Kommunikation. Wiesbaden.
Ayhan, Kadir Jun (2019): The boundaries of public diplomacy and nonstate actors: A taxonomy of perspectives. In: International Studies Perspectives, Vol. 20, No. 1, 63–83.
Bahrke, Johannes (2010): Auslandsrundfunk als strategisches Mittel europäischer Public Diplomacy im Nahen Osten. In: Tenscher, Jens / Viehrig, Henrike (eds.): Politische Kommunikation
in internationalen Beziehungen. Berlin, Münster, 191-214.
Bohlin, Göran / Ståhlberg, Per (2010): Between community and commodity: Nationalism and nation branding. In: Roosvall, Anna / Salovaara-Moring, Inka (eds.): Communicating the nation: National topographies of global media landscapes. Göteborg, 79-101.
Boisen, Martin / Terlouw, Kees / van Gorp, Bouke (2011): The selective nature of place branding and the layering of spatial identities. In: Journal of Place Management and Development, Vol. 4, No. 2, 135-147.
Chahine, Joumane (2010): Public diplomacy: A conceptual frmework. PhD dissertation, McGill University, Montréal, Canada. URL: www.culturaldiplomacy.org/academy/pdf/research/books/public_diplomacy/Public_Diplomacy_-_A_Conceptual_Framework_-_Joumane_Chahine.pdf.
Chan, Chung-shing / Marafa, Lawal M. (2013): A review of place branding methodologies in the new millennium. In: Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. 9, No. 4, 236-253.
Chapple-Sokol, Sam (2013): Culinary diplomacy: Breaking bread to win hearts and minds. In: The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, Vol. 8, No. 2, 161-183.
Cowan, Geoffrey / Arsenault, Amelia (2008): Moving from monologue to dialogue to collaboration: The three layers of public diplomacy. In: The ANNALS of the American
Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 616, No. 1, 10-30.
Cull, Nick (2019): Public diplomacy: Foundations for global engagement in the digital age. Cambridge.
Curtin, Patricia A. / Gaither, T. Kenn (2007): International public relations: Negotiating culture, identity, and power. Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi.
Dinnie, Keith (2016): Nation branding: Concepts, issues, practice. 2nd ed. London, New York.
Evans, Alex / Steven, David (2008): Towards a theory of influence for twenty-first century foreign policy: Public diplomacy in a globalised world. In: Welsh, Joylon / Fearnin, Daniel (eds.): Engagement: Public diplomacy in a globalised world. London, 44-61.
Fan, Ying (2006): Branding the nation: What is being branded? In: Journal of Vacation Marketing, Vol. 12, No. 1, 5-14.
Fan, Ying (2010): Branding the nation: Towards a better understanding. In: Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. 6, No. 2, 97-103.
Fullerton, Jami A. / Kendrick, Alice (eds.) (2017): Shaping international public opinion: A model for nation branding and public diplomacy. New York, Bern, Frankfurt, Berlin, Vienna.
Gertner, David / Kotler, Philip (2011): A place marketing and place branding perspective revisited. In: Morgan, Nigel / Pritchard, Annette / Pride, Roger (eds.):
Destination brands: Managing place reputation. 3rd ed. Oxford, 33-53.
Govers, Robert / Go, Frank M. (2009): Place branding: Glocal, virtual and physical identities, constructed, imagined and experienced. Basingstoke, New York.
Govers, Robert (2017): How to measure place branding impact through rankings and indices. In: The Place Brand Observer. URL: http://placebrandobserver.com/measure-place-branding-impact-rankings-indices/.
Gilboa, Eytan (2000): Mass communication and diplomacy: A theoretical framework. In: Communication Theory, Vol. 10, No.
3, 275-309.
Gilboa, Eytan (2002): Global communication and foreign policy. In: Journal of Communication, Vol. 52, No. 4, 31-748.
Gregory, Bruce (2008): Public diplomacy: Sunrise of an academic field. In: The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,
Vol. 616, 274-290.
Guillard, Séverin / Johansson, Ola / Palis, Joseph (2024): Introduction to the spatiality of popular music: Music geographies, urban tourism, heritage policies, and place-making. In: Guillard, Séverin / Johansson, Ola /
Palis, Joseph (eds.): New geographies of music 2: Music in urban tourism, heritage politics, and place-making. Singapore, 1-20.
Hanna, Sonya / Rowley, Jennifer (2008): An analysis of terminolgy use in place branding. In: Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. 4, 61-75.
Harris, Britney (2013): Diplomacy 2.0: The future of social media in nation branding. In: The Journal of Public Diplomacy, Vol. 4, No. 1. URL: surface.syr.edu/exchange/vol4/iss1/3.
Hayden, Craig (2012): The rhetoric of soft power: Public diplomacy in global contexts. Lanham.
Horisberger, Marc (2002): Entstehung und Gestaltung von Nationenimages. Eine theoretische und empirische Analyse staatlicher Imagepflege im Ausland
aus kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Diss., Univ. Freiburg (Schweiz).
Ingenhoff, Diana / Klein, Susanne (2018): A political leader's image in public diplomacy and nation branding: The impact of competence, charisma, integrity, and gender. In: International Journal of Communication, Vol. 12, 4507-4532. URL: ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/download/8186/2498.
Janoff, Douglas Victor (2022): Queer diplomacy: Homophobia, international relations and LGBT human rights. Cham.
Kaneva, Nadia (2011): Nation branding: Toward an agenda for critical research. In: International Journal of Communication, Vol. 5, 117-141. Internet
resource: ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/download/704/514.
Kemming, Jan Dirk / Humborg, Christian (2010): Democracy and nation brand(ing): Friends or foes? In: Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. 6, 183-197.
Kersaint, Maité (2014): Exploring public diplomacy 2.0: A comparison of German and U.S. digital public diplomacy in theory and practice. PhD dissertation, Viadrina University, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany. URL: opus4.kobv.de/opus4-euv/files/81/UPLOAD.pdf.
Kotler, Philip / Gertner, David (2002): Country as brand, product, and beyond: A place marketing and brand management perspective. In: Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 9,
No. 4-5, 249-261.
Kunczik, Michael (1989): Public Relations für Staaten. Die Imagepflege von Nationen als Aspekt der internationalen
Kommunikation: Zum Forschungsstand. In: Max Kaase/Winfried Schulz (Hrsg.): Massenkommunikation. Theorien, Methoden, Befunde.
Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag (= Sonderheft 30 der Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie), 165-184.
Kunczik, Michael (1990): Die manipulierte Meinung. Nationale Image-Politik und internationale Public Relations. Köln.
Kunczik, Michael (2009): Transnational public relations by foreign governments. In: Krishnamurthy Sriramesh / Dejan Verčič (eds.): The global public relations handbook: Theory, research, and practice. Rev. ed. New York, London, 769-794.
Leonard, Mark [with Catherine Stead and Conrad Smewing] (2002): Public diplomacy. London. URL: .
L'Etang, Jacquie (2009): Public relations and diplomacy in a globalized world: An issue of public communication. In: American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 53, no. 4, 607-626.
Lord, Carnes (2006): Losing hearts and minds? Public diplomacy and strategic influence in the age of terror. Westport, CT.
Mark, Simon (2008): A comparative study of the cultural diplomacy of Canada, New Zealand and India. Thesis (PhD), University of Auckland. URL: https://researchspace.auckland.ac.nz/bitstream/handle/2292/2943/02whole.pdf?sequence=9.
Maaß, Kurt-Jürgen (Hrsg.) (2005): Kultur und Außenpolitik. Handbuch für Studium und Praxis. Baden-Baden.
Merkel, Udo (2016): Sports as a foreign policy and diplomatic tool. In: Alan Bairner / John Kelly / Lee, Jung Woo (eds.): The Routledge handbook of sport and politics. London, New York, 28-38.
Merkelsen, Henrik / Rasmussen, Rasmus Kjærgaard (2016): Nation branding as an emerging field: An institutionalist perspective. In: Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. 12, No. 2, 99-109.
O'Shaughnessy, John / O'Shaughnessy, Nicholas Jackson (2000): Treating the nation as a brand: Some neglected issues. In: Journal of Macromarketing, Vol. 20, No. 1, 56-64.
Pamment, James (2013): Articulating influence: Toward a research agenda for interpreting the evaluation of soft power, public diplomacy and nation brands. In: Public Relations Review, Vol. 40, No. 1, 50-59.
Pamment, James (2015): Media influence, ontological transformation, and social change: Conceptual overlaps between development communication and public diplomacy. In: Communication Theory, Vol. 25, No.2, 188-207.
Rasmussen, Rasmus Kjærgaard / Merkelsen, Henrik (2012): The new PR of states: How nation branding practices affect the security function of public diplomacy. In: Public Relations Review, Vol. 38, No. 5, 810-818.
Rockower, Paul S. (2012): Recipes for gastrodiplomacy. In: Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1-12.
Schwan, Anna (2011): Werbung statt Waffen. Wie strategische Außenkommunikation die Außenpolitik verändert. Wiesbaden.
Salovaara-Moring, Inka / Roosvall, Anna (eds.) (2010): Communicating the Nation: National Topographies of Global Media Landscapes. Göteborg. URL: norden.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1534744/FULLTEXT01.pdf.
Seib, Philip (2009): Public diplomacy and journalism: Parallels, ethical issues, and practical concerns. In: American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 52, No. 2, 772-786.
Signitzer, Benno (2008): Public relations and public diplomacy: Some conceptual explorations. In: Zerfaß, Ansgar / van Ruler, Betteke / Sriramesh, Krishnamurthy (eds.): Public relations research: European and international perspectives and innovations. Wiesbaden, 205-218.
Sevin, Efe (2017): Understanding soft power through public diplomacy in contrasting polities. In: Naren Chitty / Li Ji / Gary D. Rawnsley / Craig Hayden (eds.): The Routledge handbook of soft power. London, New York, 62-71.
Sevin, Efe / Ayhan, Kadir Jun / Ingenhoff, Diana (2021): Capturing country images: A methodological approach. In: The Journal of International Communication, Vol. 27, No. 2, 237-257.
Skinner, Heather / Kubacki, Krzysztof (2007): Unravelling the complex relationship between nationhood, national and cultural identity, and place branding. In: Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. 3, 305-316.
Srugies, Alice (2013): Comparative public diplomacy research: Potentials, challenges, implications. In: Diana Ingenhoff (ed.): Internationale PR-Forschung. Konstanz, München, 229-260.
Stiehl, Tim (2011): Public Diplomacy gleich Nation Branding? Eine theoretische Abgrenzung zweier Konzepte zur Außendarstellung von Staaten. Saarbrücken [eBook].
Van Dyke, Mark A. / Verčič, Dejan (2009): Public relations, public diplomacy, and strategic communication: An international model of conceptual convergence. In: Sriramesh, Krishnamurthy / Verčič, Dejan (eds.):
The global public relations handbook: Theory, research, and practice. Rev. ed. New York, London, 906-928.
van Ham, Peter (2001): The rise of the brand state: The postmodern politics of image and reputation. In: Foreign Affairs, Vol. 80, No. 5, 2–6.
van Ham, Peter (2008): Place branding: The state of the art. In: The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,
Vol. 616, No. 1, 126-149.
Wang, Jay (2006): Public diplomacy and global business. In: Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 27, No. 3, 41-49.
White, Candace / Radic, Danijela (2014): Comparative public diplomacy: Message strategies of countries in transition. In: Public Relations Review, Vol. 40, No. 3, 459- 465.
Widler, Janine (2007): Nation branding: With pride against prejudice. In: Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. 3, 144-150.
Wilding, Colin M (2007): Measuring the effectiveness of public diplomacy: The UK approach. University of Pennsylvania, Center for Global Communication Studies. URL: global.asc.upenn.edu/fileLibrary/PDFs/wilding.pdf.
Xing, Xiaoyan / Chalip, Laurence (2006): Effects of hosting a sport event on destination brand: A test of co-branding and match-up models. In: Sport Management Review, Vol. 9, No. 1, 49-78.
Yang, Aimei / Klyueva, Anna / Taylor, Maureen (2012): Beyond a dyadic approach to public diplomacy: Understanding relationships in a multipolar world. In: Public Relations Review, Vol. 38, No. 5, 652-664.
Zerrillo, Philip C. / Thomas, Gregory Metz (2007): Developing brands and emerging markets: An empirical application. In: Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. 3, 86-99.
a) Africa
Adeiza, Matthew O. / Howard, Philip N. (2017): Social media and soft power politics in Africa: Lessons from Nigeria's #BringBackOurGirls and Kenya's #SomeoneTellCNN. In: Naren Chitty / Li Ji / Gary D. Rawnsley / Craig Hayden (eds.): The Routledge handbook of soft power. London, New York, 219-231.
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» Helpful Internet resources (catalogues, reading lists, online journals, podcasts, think tanks, rankings, etc.):
Social Science Open Access Repository - with loads of freely available documents
Karlsruhe Virtual Catalogue
Center on Public Diplomacy, University of Southern California (USA) - and especially their PD Hub!
Journal: 'Public Diplomacy Magazine'
Journal: 'Place Branding and Public Diplomacy" (ISSN 1751-8040)
Online magazine: 'The Place Brand Observer': Place Branding Insights, Strategies, Stories, Examples
The Place Brand Leaders podcast, produced by The Place Brand Observer
The #DigitalDiplomacy podcast, produced by the Embassy of Denmark in Madrid
Soft Power 30's Digital Diplomacy Hub
International Place Branding Association (IPBA)
Monocle magazine: "The latest in Affairs and Soft Power"
The Foreign Policy Centre (UK)
IdentityLab (Germany)
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (Germany)
Simon Anholt's Good Country Index
Bloom Consulting's Digital Country Index
The Soft Power 30 global ranking 2019 report
Nation-Branding.info: "Everything about Nation Branding and Country Brands"